Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Crunch Time!

I have been trying out some fruit-veggie-protein combo during the past few days as part of my conquest to live a healthier lifestyle. I alternate smoothies and salads along with some healthy protein for lunch. For this week I have lettuce, carrots and egg as staples then I would add something to change it up day to day.

I came up with this salad that both tastes and looks good. I've listed the ingredients below.

1 egg
1 small carrot
1 bunch of romaine lettuce
1 tomato
1 beet root

And here is salad no. 2. I knew I lack fruits in the first one so this compensates for that. 

1 salted egg
1 small carrot
1 bunch of romaine lettuce
1/2 green apple
a small piece of papaya
1/2 celery stalk

I love how easy it is to get simple but healthy food items in the supermarket at an affordable cost. Every ingredient you see here is bought in packs costing less than 100Php each! What's great is that each pack can be good for a whole week (2 weeks for the carrots and celery stalks) of exciting lunch salad that you will never get bored of. 

I also love how easy it is to play around with the flavors and textures. You will never guess apples and eggs can go well with each other. The sweet and citrus apple is a perfect contrast to the soft and creamy texture of a soft boiled egg. It's entirely up to you how bold or how subtle you want to go with the flavors in your salad.

For days when I do not have fruits in the salad, I make up for it by having fruity smoothies in the morning or afternoon. I usually have bananas, oranges, and apples in stock. Add some beets and yogurt and get a colorful and delicious smoothie. And when I am too lazy to get the blender, I just eat them fresh. Bananas dipped in low fat peanut butter are great to sustain energy and satisfy a sweet tooth too! =)

There isn't really a general rule when making salad that suits your taste.Just toss in everything you like and voila! Keep it balance by having fruits, veggies, and protein in it so you will get all the nutrients your body needs. 

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