Thursday, September 26, 2013

DIY Crochet Pouch For Charging Your Phone

It is not always that you have a small table near your electrical socket. And when you need to charge your phone, there seems to be nowhere to put it on but the floor. I have created this little pouch to make things easier. =)

so now...

Here's how to do it:

1. Create a circle by making a loop and then creating treble crochets around the loop. I made 6 layers for the bottom. To do this, I alternately adding 2 treble crochets in between two treble crochets in the previous layer.

2. When you finished your 6th layer, make 1 treble crochet in every space in between crochets in the previous layer. this will make it rounded on the edges and form the sides. Continue to do so until you reach your desired height.

3. After 4 layers, I added a pink colored yarn for a touch of femininity.

4. After 2 layers of the pink yarn, I used gray again for 3 layers and used pink again for another 2 layers.

5. I made 4 layers in gray then I made a single chain as base for the handle where it will hang from the charger (refer to above photo).

You can also use it for other purpose, just hang it somewhere and you can put in loose coins, accessories, pens, etc.

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